Friday, January 03, 2014

One of my favorite Hitchen's moments:

Moderator: "Part of what we are talking about tonight is providing common ground for our public deliberations.  And how can your perspective... "

Hitchen: "Now let's not over do that"

Moderator: "Right, that's right. Let's be tasteful.  Yeah.  How can your perspective provide that common ground if dismisses a large majority of the population as irrational as stuck in what you call, in your book, 'the infancy of our race'.  I mean, doesn't that any remove a room or incentive to try to reason together?"

Hitchen: "Not at all.  I mean, religion is a private matter in my opinion.  I phrase it like this in my book, I just say if you think that there is a creator who has made you especially, and who watches over you and supervises you, who cares about you, wants you to do well and even wants you to survive death, I have to say, I think it's a preposterous proposition because I have to be honest.  And irrational one, a fatuous one and a sinister one, because the idea of want a father who never dies and won’t quit is infantilizing.  But suppose you did think that, shouldn't it make you happy? It doesn't make them happy. It doesn't make them better at all.  They won't be happy until I believe it too. So the first principle is, let's separate that.  Keep it to yourselves.  Go to any church you like.  Build any church you want.  Do it with your own money.  Don't ask the government to teach this stuff to my children in a government school.  We won't have that."

“I don’t when I offended by filthy articles I read about atheists and Jews and secularists, I have bombardments of this stuff all the time, I don’t go out and burn down the nearest mosque because I’ve been offended, do I? Don’t be ridiculous.  But I’m supposed to respect those who do such thing.  I’m supposed to treat them with an extract delicacy.  Why should I be doing that?  Who’s the offended one here really?  I’m not going to make a big point about my feelings being hurt.  I have a thick skin.  I have a broad back.  I’ve studied Socrates and the Socratic Method is more convincing, but you act as if I’m the one who is offending them by saying I find your beliefs rather unconvincing.  And in any case, I’m not going to have them forced on me.  Now is that finally clear?  IS IT?  I hope so.  Good.

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