This morning was even better as far as w up went. We woke up around 7:30pm and the kids were still snoring away. Yes, Alex as snoring. He was also making poping sounds which he picked up from the Disney characters. It was the sound that they would make to simulate kissing. Pop, Pop! It was cute.
We headed to downtown Disney to visit some of the stores and browse for some keepsakes. The kids really liked the Lego store. They had so many unique kits that we have never seen before. After an hour or so we headed back to the car. We used the rented GPS to navigate to Craig's house in
We had a nice visit with the 3 C's. Jonathan beat Craig in Wii bowling. I really thought we could avoid video games for the next 2 1/2 weeks but apparently not. I really wanted to watch the US Open but I was destined to read about it in the paper tomorrow. Craig had a cool electronic drum set that we will have to consider for Jonathan rather than a full drum set. Their dogs Lucky and Bella were very nice. The kids interacted with them nice. It gave us more confidence that the kids would enjoy a family pet. We left Craigs around 6pm and headed back to the Sheraton at the LAX airport.
I dropped the family off and headed back to the Hertz rental center. It was about 1.5 miles from the hotel so I just put on my running shoes and shorts and ran back to the hotel. Ok, so I have not been keeping up on my half marathon training. Well, actually I have since my training really doesn't start until July. I just created my own schedule that extended into June.
When I returned to the room the family was not there. I knew they would be by the pool. So I headed down to the pool through the sheik black and shiney bar area. As I approached the doors I heard dance and techo music playing. It looked like it was a private party but then I saw Anne sitting in a chair by the pool. As I entered the pool area I saw black cabanas with flowing drapes and a DJ spinning records by the pools. There was also large BBQ pits with a chef cooking ribs and sausages. I had to yell in Anne's ear, "What is going on? A Party?" She said I don't know. I headed into the bar and got a drink and asked the bar tender was going on? He said, "Oh we do this sort of happy hour every Sunday". After I returned to Anne with our drinks I noticed that there was a flat screen TV inside the black cabanas where lots of young people were lounging. Anne said she felt like she was in a Entourage episode. She said, "This is so LA" I had to agree.
After the pool we packed up and headed back up to the room to get to an early bed time for long flight to Hawaii in the morning.
Another successful day!
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