I showed Alex the last post and he read my opening remarks. He was very upset when he realized that his misunderstanding of the storm trooper saying "skunk". He really wanted to change my post but I said it was cute and I didn't want to change it.
I left for work while he sat busily typing at the computer. I got to work and showed a co-worker the post and there it was, 3 comments from Alex! He commented and retyped all 20 episodes making the correction from "Skunk" to "Scum".
The second comment he made was as "Mark Lindell". I guess that was his attempt to void my post.
That just goes to show you that SpongeBob typing really does improve your children's typing skills.
Starwars Episode's Coming Soon!
Meet your starwars friend's
Luke skywalker [Jedi]
Princess leia
Han solo
Lando crisin
Anikan skywalker [Jedi]
Jedi bigey
Darth vader [Anikan skywalker]
Ben kenobi
Anikan skywalker [Boy]
Luke skywalker [tatonle]
Anikan skywalker [Ghost]
Yoda [Ghost]
And Ben kenobi [Ghost]
So that's all thank you and the forice will be with you.
Love daddy.
The anonymous star wars blogger strikes again! Alex is typing these blogs from the kitchen computer FYI. He has remembered some how what the addy is!!!! Your Wife
Dont forget the Starwars Padwan Friend's
Kyle kathran
Jan ors
From Episode VII.
Warn down?
No Seacret code?
Green Pasta is brain food.
Meet New TIE'S And Other Ships:
Vader's TIE Fighter TIE Fighter TIE Informer X-Wing Y-Wing A-Wing Han Solo's Ship AT-ST And The Snow-wing.
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